v1.3.0 (2017-02-03)
Implemented enhancements:
v1.2.3 (2017-01-22)
Fixed bugs:
- _in_stoplist should return True for entities trimmed out of existence #12
v1.2.2 (2016-11-02)
Fixed bugs:
v1.2.1 (2016-10-24)
Fixed bugs:
- RSCHTMLReader throws bytes/string error #8
- Fix encoding bug in RSC image character handling #9 (mcs07)
v1.2.0 (2016-10-11)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- import error: HTMLParser in Python 3 #7
- Installation on Windows 7 #3
- HTML unescape py2/3 compat - fixes #4 #6 (mcs07)
v1.1.1 (2016-10-04)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- version of pdfminer #1
v1.1.0 (2016-10-03)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator