... to my Github landing zone.
Working with Azure cloud network technologies at Microsoft, I create labs and technology demonstrators for my own and other's benefits. This is where I keep them.
Feel free to use and repurpose as you see fit, comments and suggestions are welcome.
Azure Firewall hub-and-spoke demo
Azure Firewall Premium demo (updating)
Spoke-hub-hub-spoke via Azure Firewall
Azure Verified Modules - network deployment
Bastion and Virtual WAN Secured Hub
Networking for Azure Data & Analytics Services - Part 1
Networking for Azure Data & Analytics Services - Part 2
Network experimentation lab for Azure Data Factory, Purview, Synapse
Network experimentation lab for Azure Databricks
Dual stack IPv4/IPv6 VNET topology
IPV6 over VPN with Network Virtual Appliances
Hybrid Connectivity at high bandwidth and low latency
Testbed for Azure Network Manager
Routing through Network Virtual Appliances with Azure Private Link
Private DNS Resolver with Forwarding Rules
Azure Route Server with Cisco Catalyst8000v NVA
Bastion and Virtual WAN Secured Hub
Routing in Azure Virtual WAN MicroHack
Security in Azure Virtual WAN MicroHack
VWAN with Routing Intent deployed with Terraform
Proposal for a Network Segmentation User Interface
PowerBI Dashboard template for VNET Flow Logs
Lab demonstrating Virtual Network TAP
S2S VPN network with BGP, cross-subscription and cross-tenant
VPN with Source NAT and Traffic Selector
Point-to-site VPN Internet Gateway
Please have a look at the work of some of my co-workers who publish about Azure Networking:
Jose Moreno; https://blog.cloudtrooper.net/
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