Manage students/classs/members (unlimited). This application created for manage students/classs/members of a unit.
Technical Specifications:
- Current version : 1.0.0 [Stable] + (ALL VERSIONS ADDED 'VERSION.ZIP')
- Database used sqlite (can use 'DB Browser for SQLite' this is open-source sqlite database editor).
- Compiled via minGW-32bit, C++11.
- Licenses: LGPL version 3, GPL version 2 and GPL version 3.
- Made by Qt Creator 4.11.1 [Based on Qt 5.14.1 (MSVC 2017,32bit)
Features of verion 1.0.0 (Persian.Iran):
can add unlimit members/students/classs
change/insert your titles of forms parts (students/classs/members/settings/tabs/window title/etc)
search your members/student/class via select parameters
create class with 15 class info (bio) & 15 class parameter unique
edit student/class(class info-class parameters-class students)/members (minus class id/student code/member code)
show classs student joined on student info (score or ... [parameters])
backup your database/avatars to selected path (ex name of directory: 'backup-thu-mar-02-2020')
send sql command to database
change username-password admin account
show admin logins log (history with date)
change max try to login / current try to login
Contains entry ceiling attempt admin account!
Listing members/students/classes
delete student/member
Tried: Can be used for low systems
select a defualt image for student/member defualt image 3x4 (format .jpg)
change application window title [(dynamic (Whatever you want)]
change application icon with replace icon with name 'icon' (format .ico)
change table (text header) titles.
More details:
Create user/student with one 3x4 image (format .jpg) 30 parameter (minus [National Code] & [Name & Family] & [Father name])
Create class with 15 parameter for class info (bio class) 15 parameter for (value of student titles in this class)
All members data saved at table (registration) and titles-member at table (registrationTitles)
All students data saved at table (students) and titles-student at table (studentTitles)
All classs listing at table (class_list)
when class create , create a table with name (cid_ [number-last-class-from-adminconfig])
When student create , create a table with name (score_ [student-code])
When student added to a class , insert class info + student parameters on that class to (score_ student-code])
When added image to student/member , copied selected file to ./avatar/[student-code].jpg revers when delete member/student image deleted from ./avatar/
All history admin logins saving at table (adminloginslog)
All admin configs username - password - maxtry etc saving at table (adminconfig)
All tab Titles saved at table (tabTitles)
All table headers saved at table (headers)
Don't forget the licenses, thanks.