MathEngine is a lightweight mathematical expression parser and evaluator. It currently handles addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponent, modulus and the use of variables and pre-defined functions.
Install with
gem install math_engine
The only dependency is lexr, which is really lightweight and has no external dependencies.
require 'rubygems'
require 'math_engine'
engine =
puts "#{engine.evaluate("x = 10 * (3 * 2) + (55 - 5) / (2.5 * (3 + 1))")}"
puts "#{engine.evaluate("x + 5")}"
results in an output of
extending is easy using functions, you can add single functions using MathEngine.define
engine.define :add_em do |x, y|
x + y
or you can write all your functions in a class and add the class
class SomeFunctions
def add_em(x, y)
x + y
and calling them with
engine.evaluate("1 + 1 + add_em(2, 2)")
All functions are pulled in from the built in Math class by default, so all the standard ruby math functions are available (cos, sin, tan etc)
if you missed a closing parenthesis, had an operator where it wasn't meant to be, you might get something like this:
Unexpected multiplication(*), expected: number, variable name or open_parenthesis
and that is pretty much every feature so far. Please let me know of any bugs or additions that you'd like to see!
See the LICENSE file included with the distribution for licensing and copyright details.