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Display data from Google Cloud Monitoring -- formerly Stackdriver -- using the Cloud Monitoring API v3. There are three dashboards in this template.
- The CloudSQL dashboard -- displays metrics of MySQL database hosted in Google Cloud SQL.
- The Compute dashboard -- it provides deeper insight into the GCP compute services provided by GCP Stackdriver.
- The HTTPS LoadBalancing dashboard monitors network load balancing in the cluster.
This template includes the following:
- 2 Labels:
- 3 Dashboards:
andHTTPS LoadBalancing
- 1 Variable:
Load the dashboards and use the Telegraf Stackdriver plugin into your environment.
An example command:
$ ${INFLUX_PATH}/influx pkg --org qa --file ${myTemplateFile} -t ${INFLUX_TOKEN}
Include the Telegraf Stackdriver plugin in your Telegraf configuration and start Telegraf.
Visit the dashboard and use the v.bucket
variable to select which bucket the data is stored in.
Author: Ivan Kudibal, Tomas Klapka,
Github: @ivankudibal