Ahmia search engine uses Elasticsearch 2.4 or 5.4.3 to index content.
Please install elastic search from the official repository. Elasticsearch 2.4 and 5.x both work.
Default configuration is enough to run index in dev mode. Here is suggestion for a more secure configuration
elasticsearch - nofile unlimited
elasticsearch - memlock unlimited
on CentOS/RH: /etc/sysconfig/elasticsearch
ES_HEAP_SIZE=3g # For ES 2.4! Half of your memory, other half is for Lucene
# For ES 5.4.3! Half of your memory, other half is for Lucene
bootstrap.mlockall: true # For ES 2.4!
script.engine.groovy.inline.update: on
script.engine.groovy.inline.aggs: on
# systemctl start elasticsearch
Please do this when running for the first time
$ curl -XPUT -i "localhost:9200/crawl/" -d "@./mappings.json"
# If ES 5.x
$ curl -XPUT "localhost:9200/_cluster/settings" -d '{
"transient" : {
"script.max_compilations_per_minute" : 200
0 22 * * * cd /your/ahmia/folder/ && torsocks python child_abuse_onions.py > filter_these_domains.txt && bash call_filtering.sh