Visa-Scraper is a NodeJS scraper function to get all visa information for every nationality. It scrapes wikipedia to get the data. The data is then written into a .CSV file in this format:
nationality; country, visaType, note
- NodeJS.
- Yarn or NPM package manager.
- A MySQL database which contains a table called 'restrictions'
- MyCLI to access your MySQL database.
- An .env file which contains three entries in the format.
DB_host = hostname
DB_user = username
DB_pass = password
To run the scraper, clone the repo. Then run:
yarn install
yarn start
The output will be located in ./output/data-nationalities.csv. You will also be able to locate a cleaned up version of the data in your MySQL database.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.