- Plenty of Stats
Use ‘thor db:migrate’ to create the inital database
- Scraping Plenty of Fish
Initiate PlentyOfStats with a description and an hash of attributes and locations(check sample options.yaml)
Then call ‘scrape’
- Cities to scrape
I decided to start with the top 15 cities in the US based on the metro areas. Depending on the density I test for different
radii in order to keep results as large as possible but below the 600+ cutoff for results.
Top 25 Cities
Using the top 15
1. New York: 10036
2. Los Angeles: 90012
3. Chicago: 60616
4. Dallas: 75215
5. Philadelphia: 19130
6. Houston: 77004
7. Miami: 33130
8. Washington: 20024
9. Atlanta: 30309
10. Boston: 02110
11. Detroit: 48226
12. San Francisco: 94102
13. Phoenix: 85003
14. Riverside: 92411
15. Seattle: 98102