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rbgm - R tools for Box Geometry model files

rbgm allows reading of geometry from BGM files, either in raw coordinate form or as Spatial objects or sf objects. The aim is to make all of the following straightforward:

  • read of the BGM format, maintaining all topology and attributes
  • use of the BGM specification for visualization and data extraction
  • creation of BGM from shapefiles, R spatial objects and whatever else


Install from CRAN:


Install the development version from Github using devtools.

# install.packages("devtools")

How can I contribute to rbgm?

Install, use, test the package, and let me know!

Please use the Issues tab on GitHub to add feature requests and bug reports:

use Pull Requests if you have changes you’d like to contribute.

Related work

  • mfdbatlantis MareFrame Atlantis routines
  • atlantistools data processing and visualisation tool for R
  • shinyrAtlantis
  • ratlantis R code for interfacing with Atlantis ecosystem modeling software
  • vat Visualizing Atlantis Tool (vat)
  • EastAntarctica_Atlantis Project work at Australian Antarctic Division and the Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems CRC
  • AtlantisNEUS_R R code (scripts and functions) to interact with and analyze output from the Atlantis NEAU End-2-end marine ecosystem model


See the package vignettes for examples.

Please note that the ‘rbgm’ project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.


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