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The application can be found at

Run the application locally


You need the following properly installed before being able to run this application:

Get started

  1. Clone this repository
    git clone
  1. Install dependencies
    npm install
  1. Set the MONGODB_URI environment variable

    On macOS/Linux use the following command from your terminal:

    export MONGODB_URI=mongodb://localhost:27017/shopping

On Windows, run:

    set MONGODB_URI=mongodb://localhost:27017/shopping
  1. Start up MongoDB

    Refer to Run MongoDB Community Edition for the latest command and version to use on your operating system. on macOS, I run this command from the terminal:

    brew services start mongodb-community@6.0
  1. Populate shopping database
    node seed/product-seeder.js
  1. Once the project is setup, start the dev server with Nodemon.
    npm run dev

Server will start at: http://localhost:3000

Run mocha tests

Unit tests

  • to run: npm run unit-test
  • do not require the dev server running

Integration tests

  • to run: npm run integration-test
  • start up the dev server when running

UI tests

  • to run: npm run ui-test
  • note: dev server must be started by running npm run dev beforehand