The aim of this project is to offer an Arduino style framework for the Longan Nano board (RISCV)or CH32V307 (RISCV) or GD32F1/F3 (ARM) boards. It also works with STM32F1 chips.
The API is 99% the same between the Riscv & Arm versions. Mostly tiny pinout/clock/interrupt changes.
What are the differences compared to vanilla Arduino ?
- Cmake based build system, use whatever IDE you want.
- Support ARM and RISCV CH32V307/GD32 MCUs, same API (tested with GD32VF103, GD32F103,GD32F303, CH32F103 and STM32F103).
- FreeRTOS out of the box, using the GD32 RISCV port made by QQxiaoming [1]/ WCH RISCV Port / vanilla ARM M3/M4
- Better peripherals support (DMA, tasks..)
- Only loosely compatible with Arduino API but easy to port
- Partial rust binding (not compatible with embedded_hal)
A note of warning : This is my take on what i would like to have/use for such a board It might not fit your needs.
Demos The demoProject contains simple API demonstration programs.
How to build the demos :
- Symlink/copy/git submodule the lnArduino folder under the demo folder Fill-in platformconfig.cmake to point to your toolchain (adjust flags if needed) mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make
- edit mcuSelect.Cmake to define which MCU you are using
By default they use a shared common_CMakeLists.txt / common_mcuSelect etc...
There is also some python helper scripts to have basic FreeRTOS support with gdb
- FreeRTOS from FreeRTOS
- Embedded_printf from [2]
- The riscv freeRTOS port is from QQxiaming (see [1])
- A couple of header file from arduino to offer a basic compatibility API
- A couple of header from nucleisys to access n200 extra functions
- TinyUsb for usb support
- Everything else has been written from scratch, no licensing issue.
The demoProject folder contains sample code to show the API.
[1] [2]