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Common Errors

mech edited this page May 31, 2016 · 4 revisions

Followings are common errors you may encountered

  • 101 (Record is missing) - As the recid is incremental, if we create a record that has error, it will not be saved and thus the recid has been used and thrown away. You can expect a black hole here.
  • 102 (Field is missing) - Please check your fm_name to see if the field name is spelled correctly.
  • 303 (Database schema is in use by another user) - This happen when database designer is modifying the field options and in the process of defining the database schema.
  • 401 (No records match the request) - The query does not match anything returned from FileMaker. Usually, we will just return an empty array.
  • 8003 (Lock conflict with database users or other error) - Undocumented error code. This happen often when client is still editing the record when we try to save it?

Find Operators

FileMaker find operators

If you want to search for email, you need to use \@ to escape it:

User.where(email: 'bob\')

Date and Time

If the field type is Date or DateTime, you can pass in a string like 2016 to search for year 2016 or 2/2016 for Feb 2016 records. We will pass through any String and not convert it to date/time.

If you want to search for all today's records, you may be tempted to do:


However, this will take into account hours:minutes:second which is unlikely what you want. Instead you can do this:


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