Python script to parse elasticsearch logs.
Parses slow query log and gathers count and time stats for each query.
python resources/index_search_slowlog.log
| query | count | average | min | max |
| 1 | 8 | 52.875 | 1 | 221 |
| 2 | 1 | 165.0 | 165 | 165 |
1 {"query":{"match_all":{}}}
2 {"query":{"match_all":{}},"facets":{"f1":{"terms":{"field":"description"}}},"size":0}
Be sure to pip install -r requirements.txt to install PrettyTable
[2013-11-15 13:17:22,770][TRACE][] [<node name>] [<index name>][<shard>] took[1.7ms], took_millis[1], types[sunrise], stats[], search_type[QUERY_THEN_FETCH], total_shards[2], source[{"query":{"match_all":{}},"size":10}], extra_source[],