This application sets up Datadog APM and trace ID injection on logs. There should be a Datadog Agent set to receive traces and logs.
docker build -t mecsantos/sample-node-apm .
When deploying, specify DD_ENV=dev DD_SERVICE=my_express_app DD_VERSION=1.0.0
docker run -e DD_ENV=dev -e DD_SERVICE=my_express_app -e DD_VERSION=1.0.0 -p 49160:8080 mecsantos/sample-node-apm
curl -i localhost:49160/hello
docker images
docker tag <IMAGE_ID> mecsantos/sample-node-apm:1.0
docker login
docker push mecsantos/sample-node-apm:1.0
kubectl apply -f sample-node-app.yaml
kubectl apply -f load-balancer.yaml
Modify Security Groups setting of the Load Balancer.