This is the PyTorch implemention of our paper Contrastive Cross-site Learning with Redesigned Net for COVID-19 CT Classification by Zhao Wang, Quande Liu, Qi Dou
This paper proposes a novel joint learning framework to perform accurate COVID-19 identification by effectively learning with heterogeneous datasets with distribution descrepancy. We build a powerful backbone by redesigning the recently proposed COVID-Net in aspects of network architecture and learning strategy to improve the prediction accuracy and learning efficiency. On top of it, we further explicitly tackle the cross-site domain shift by conducting separate feature normalization in latent space. Moreover, we propose a con-trastive training objective to enhance the domain invariance of semantic embeddings for boosting the classification performance on each dataset. We develop and evaluate our method with two public large-scale COVID-19 diagnosis datasets from real CT images. Extensive experiments show that our approach consistently improves the performances on both datasets, as well as outperforms existing state-of-the-art multi-site learning methods.
We suggest using Anaconda to setup environment on Linux, if you have installed anaconda, you can skip this step.
wget && zsh
Then, we can install packages using provided environment.yaml
git clone
cd Contrastive-COVIDNet
conda env create -f environment.yaml
conda activate pytorch0.4.1
We employ two publicly available COVID-19 CT datasets:
Download our pre-processed datasets from Google Drive and put into data/
You can directly download our pretrained model from Google Drive and put into saved/
directory for testing.
cd code
python --bna True --bnd True --cosine True --cont True
cd code
If you find this code and dataset useful, please cite in your research papers.
author={Wang, Zhao and Liu, Quande and Dou, Qi},
title={Contrastive Cross-site Learning with Redesigned Net for COVID-19 CT Classification},
journal={IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics},
For further questions, pls feel free to contact Zhao Wang
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