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Releases: medallia/mxo-android-sdk


15 Aug 19:43
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  • [BREAKING] Minimum supported API level has been advanced to 28. Compilation and integration is unaffected for API 21+ but the SDK will be disabled for API less than 28.
  • [BREAKING] All public APIs are now annotated with the @RequiresApi. Refer to our migration guide for detailed information.
  • [BREAKING] All Legacy Support APIs have been removed. Refer to our migration guide for detailed information.
  • [BREAKING] Bumped the SDK target to API 34. Requires adding coreLibraryDesugaring dependency. Refer to our migration guide for detailed information.
  • [BREAKING] Requires Android Gradle Plugin version 8.2.0.
  • [BREAKING] Requires Gradle version 8.2.
  • [NEW] Added support for 16KB page size.
  • [NEW] Added support for Identity transfer for html links.
  • [UPDATE] Updated Interaction Map system.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue where Interaction Map requests were sent twice in Preview mode.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue where a child Proposition was not updated in the SDK when edited in the web MXO.


24 Jan 20:44
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  • [BREAKING] Removed OAuth1 from runtime requests. Refer to our migration guide for detailed information.
  • [BREAKING] Bumped minSdkVersion to API 24.
  • [BREAKING] Requires Kotlin version 1.9.10.
  • [BREAKING] Requires Java version 17.
  • [BREAKING] Requires Android Gradle Plugin version 8.0.
  • [BREAKING] Requires Gradle version 8.0.
  • [NEW] Added ability to filter existing Customer Attributes.
  • [UPDATE] Updated one-tid to tid query param appended to an outgoing URL.
  • [UPDATE] Updated Admin User Interface.
  • [UPDATE] Updated local WebView paths.
  • [UPDATE] Updated capturePhase to ON_CLICK.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue with re-authentication with saved credentials.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue with a selected Customer Attribute icon that was not correctly displayed.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue where extra Customer Attributes were available for a new MXO Space.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue where multiple Capture Points were sent for a MenuItem.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue where some items were not recognized as Designtime elements.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue where updating Customer Attributes, Activity Types, and Propositions in an MXO Space did not reflect those changes in the SDK.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed a wrong error message for the no search results screen.


11 Oct 17:00
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  • [UPDATE] Compatible with Android Gradle Plugin version 7.4.0.
  • [UPDATE] Compatible with Kotlin version 1.8.0.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue where some WebViews were not recognized as Interactions.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue where an Activity was set as a completion Activity by default.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue where the SDK configuration parameters disappeared after returning from the background.


06 Sep 16:50
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  • [UPDATE] Removed OAuth1 from runtime requests. For further details on this see our migration guide.
  • [UPDATE] Removed renderscript support. For further details on this see our migration guide.
  • [UPDATE] Compatible with Android Gradle Plugin version 7.3.1.
  • [UPDATE] Compatible with Gradle version 7.5.0.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue where multiple customer Attribute data type selections were allowed.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue where some Capture Points were not sent on tap.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue where a location was not shared on API 29.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue with logging for an invalid or missing SDK configuration.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue where an error message was not shown on an empty view in Admin mode.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue where an error message was not shown when logging into a non-existing MXO Space.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue where a user with no permissions was not getting an error message in Admin mode.


23 Aug 23:32
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  • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue with contentUrl not being returned in MXOAsset for external assets.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue with MXOAssetResponse not returning label, target, and targetUrl.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue with MXOCaptureAttributePoint not returning capturePhase, captureType, captureDelay, elementType, elementName, and elementAttributeName.


14 Aug 23:32
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  • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue with directives not being returned in MXOOptimizationPoint.


12 Jul 00:43
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  • [UPDATE] Updated to support up to Android API 33.
  • [UPDATE] Added support to include Telemetry data in network calls.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue where the SDK logging was not creating new log files correctly.


11 May 17:25
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  • [BREAKING] Requires the matching Medallia Orchestration Plugin version 1.0.0.
  • [BREAKING] Requires Kotlin version 1.7.0.
  • [BREAKING] Requires Java version 11.
  • [BREAKING] Requires Android Gradle Plugin version 7.2.2.
  • [BREAKING] Requires Gradle version 7.3.3.
  • [BREAKING] Updated the SDK's public APIs. For further details on this, see our online documentation. If migrating from Thunderhead SDK, please visit our migration guide.
  • [BREAKING] Updated prebuilt Interactions. If migrating from Thunderhead SDK, please visit our migration guide.
  • [UPDATE] Updated Designtime error messaging.
  • [UPDATE] Updated WebChromeClient for APIs below 26. For further details on this, see our documentation.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed a Ljava/time/Duration runtime error on APIs below 26. For further details on this, see our Additional integration considerations documentation.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed a crash on custom Web Views.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed a crash that was occurring when selecting an Activity Type in an empty Space.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue when selected Propositions, Activities, and Attributes were discarded by double tap.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue when automatic Propositions were missing at the Propositions screen.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue when nested Propositions were missing at the Propositions screen.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue when completion Activity was not being honored.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue when Poker Chip remained displayed after leaving the app.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue when multiple selections for App Preferences were allowed.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue when the Create New Attribute button was not tappable when there was a text input in the Attributes search field.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue when SeekBar Activity was captured while should not be.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue when MenuItem Activity was not captured ontap.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed a placeholder text for Propositions and Activity Types search fields.
  • [BUGFIX] Fixed zero state messages for Propositions, Activities, and Attributes.


27 Apr 19:42
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1.0.0-alpha.8 Pre-release
chore(release): Release and Doc Update (#3)