Both examplifies building a very simple OTP application with LFE and compiling it with Mix.
The mix compiler for LFE is used ( Can be used as a template for a similar project.
Has to be set up, using the mix_lfe
plugin for Mix.
It can be installed like this:
mix archive.install
Now the project can be downloaded, set up and compilet like this:
git clone
cd echo
mix lfe.setup
mix compile
This will compile the LFE code and will generate the app file.
It can be tested with mix
iex -S mix
Now the application will be running and can be accessed through Elixir:
"test" = :"echo-worker".echo("test") # Returns what was passed to it.
1 = :"echo-worker".count() # Returns how many times the :"echo-worker".echo/1 function was called.
It can be used in LFE too:
./deps/lfe/bin/lfe -pa _build/dev/lib/*/ebin
And now:
> (application:ensure_all_started 'echo)
#(ok (echo))
> (echo-worker:echo #"bla")
> (echo-worker:count)
> (echo-worker:echo #"boo")
> (echo-worker:count)
It has a simple test doing similar checks to the above ones. Run it with:
mix lfe.test