Functionality | keyboard key |
Move left | a |
Move right | d |
Move up | w |
Move down | s |
Quit | q |
the pacman:space_invader: looks like a "v" if facing up, ">" if facing left and so on.
- a food;apple: 🍎 apple: looks like "o"
- a ghost:ghost: :ghost: :ghost: looks like: "m"
- The level is completed when all the food are collected.
- Avoid the ghosts
In the game, there are boulders:department_store: which usual corresponds to the level. For instance, level one has a single boulder, level two has 2 and so on. The pacman cannot go through boulders but can go through thw wall of the screen and come out from the adjacent wall. The reverse is the case for the ghosts. The game automatically changes level when the current level is completed. The score is displayed i the lower left corner of screen
To end the game, one either types Q or let sny ghost touch the pacman. The non zero velocity of the pacman is always equal to that of the the ghost. However, if the pacman stops, the ghost moves with a slow constant velocity.
type the following in the terminal;
Follow the instruc5tions on the screen.