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HighRoller - PHP Wrapper for the Highcharts JS Library

HighRoller gets Highcharts JS up and running in your PHP project fast.


  • Compatible with Highcharts JS v2.1.6 (and higher)
  • Supports all default Highchart JS chart types:
    • Area
    • AreaSpline
    • Bar
    • Column
    • Line
    • Pie
    • Scatter
    • Spline
  • Supports jquery and mootools
  • Support for setting the location of your Highcharts JS library and theme
  • Includes Auto-stepping for xAxis labels
  • Supports Highcharts JS formatters using native JS


Hello HighRoller

A most humble line chart...


$chartData = array(5324, 7534, 6234, 7234, 8251, 10324);

$linechart = new HighRollerLineChart();
$linechart->chart->renderTo = 'linechart';
$linechart->title->text = 'Line Chart';

$series1 = new HighRollerSeriesData();


<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<!-- HighRoller: set the location of Highcharts library -->
<?php echo HighRoller::setHighChartsLocation("/highcharts/highcharts.js");?>

<div id="linechart"></div>

<script type="text/javascript">
  <?php echo $linechart->renderChart();?>

...or, render with mootools...

<?php echo $linechart->renderChart('mootools');?>

Fully Customized Multi-series Line Chart

A very customised example using dates for xAxis labels, autostep, a custom Highcharts theme and native javascript formatters.


for($i = 0; $i <= 50; $i++){
  $chartData[0][] = rand(4000,8000);
  $chartData[1][] = rand(5000,15000);
  $chartData[2][] = rand(250,4000);
  $categories[$i] = 'Label-' . $i;

$series1 = new HighRollerSeriesData();
$series2 = new HighRollerSeriesData();
$series3 = new HighRollerSeriesData();
$linechart = new HighRollerLineChart();
$linechart->title->text = "Most Popular Topics";
$linechart->title->align = "left";
$linechart->title->floating = true;
$linechart->title->style->font = '18px Metrophobic, Arial, sans-serif';
$linechart->title->style->color = '#0099ff';
$linechart->title->x = 20;
$linechart->title->y = 20;
$linechart->chart->renderTo = 'linechart';
$linechart->chart->width = 500;
$linechart->chart->height = 300;
$linechart->chart->marginTop = 60;
$linechart->chart->marginLeft = 90;
$linechart->chart->marginRight = 30;
$linechart->chart->marginBottom = 110;
$linechart->chart->spacingRight = 10;
$linechart->chart->spacingBottom = 15;
$linechart->chart->spacingLeft = 0;
$linechart->chart->backgroundColor->linearGradient = array(0,0,0,300);
$linechart->chart->backgroundColor->stops = array(array(0,'rgb(217, 217, 217)'),array(1,'rgb(255, 255, 255)'));
$linechart->chart->alignTicks = false;
$linechart->legend->enabled = true;
$linechart->legend->layout = 'horizontal';
$linechart->legend->align = 'center';
$linechart->legend->verticalAlign = 'bottom';
$linechart->legend->itemStyle = array('color' => '#222');
$linechart->legend->backgroundColor->linearGradient = array(0,0,0,25);
$linechart->legend->backgroundColor->stops = array(array(0,'rgb(217, 217, 217)'),array(1,'rgb(255, 255, 255)'));
$linechart->tooltip->formatter = new HighRollerFormatter(); // TOOLTIP FORMATTER
$linechart->tooltip->backgroundColor->linearGradient = array(0,0,0,50);
$linechart->tooltip->backgroundColor->stops = array(array(0,'rgb(217, 217, 217)'),array(1,'rgb(255, 255, 255)'));
$linechart->plotOptions->line->pointStart = strtotime('-30 day') * 1000;
$linechart->plotOptions->line->pointInterval = 24 * 3600 * 1000; // one day
$linechart->xAxis->type = 'datetime';
$linechart->xAxis->tickInterval = $linechart->plotOptions->line->pointInterval;
$linechart->xAxis->startOnTick = true;
$linechart->xAxis->tickmarkPlacement = 'on';
$linechart->xAxis->tickLength = 10;
$linechart->xAxis->minorTickLength = 5;
$linechart->xAxis->labels->align = 'right';
$linechart->xAxis->labels->step = 2;
$linechart->xAxis->labels->rotation = -35;
$linechart->xAxis->labels->x = 5;
$linechart->xAxis->labels->y = 20;
$linechart->xAxis->dataLabels->formatter = new HighRollerFormatter();
$linechart->yAxis->min = 0;
$linechart->yAxis->maxPadding = 0.2;
$linechart->yAxis->endOnTick = true;
$linechart->yAxis->minorGridLineWidth = 0;
$linechart->yAxis->minorTickInterval = 'auto';
$linechart->yAxis->minorTickLength = 1;
$linechart->yAxis->tickLength = 2;
$linechart->yAxis->minorTickWidth = 1;
$linechart->yAxis->title->text = 'Pageviews';
$linechart->yAxis->title->align = 'high';
$linechart->yAxis->title->style->font = '14px Metrophobic, Arial, sans-serif';
$linechart->yAxis->title->rotation = 0;
$linechart->yAxis->title->x = 60  ;
$linechart->yAxis->title->y = -10;
$linechart->yAxis->plotLines = array( array('color' => '#808080', 'width' => 1, 'value' => 0 ));

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

<!-- HighRoller: set the location of Highcharts library -->
<?php echo HighRoller::setHighChartsLocation("/highcharts/highcharts.js");?>
<?php echo HighRoller::setHighChartsThemeLocation("/highcharts/themes/highroller.js");?>

<div id="linechart"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">

  // example of how to define a tooltip formatter in a highcharts chart using using highroller
  var myChartOptions = <?php echo $linechart->getChartOptionsObject()?>

  // define your own formatter for tooltip
  myChartOptions.tooltip.formatter = function() {
    return '<b>' + + '</b><br/>' +
        Highcharts.dateFormat('%b %e', this.x) + ': ' + Highcharts.numberFormat(this.y, 0, ',') + ' views';

  // define your own formatter for xAxis.labels
  myChartOptions.xAxis.labels.formatter = function() {
    var newDate = new Date(this.value);
    return Highcharts.dateFormat('%b %e', this.value);

  // define your own formatter for yAxis.labels
  myChartOptions.yAxis.labels.formatter = function() {
    return Highcharts.numberFormat(this.value, '', ',');

    <?php echo $linechart->renderChartOptionsObject('myChartOptions')?>


Customization Summary

  • Title: text, style, color, font, alignment
  • Legend: enabled, custom background color with gradient
  • Chart: height, width, margin, spacing, background color with gradient, borders, etc.
  • ToolTip: style, background color and gradient, formatter, etc.
  • xAxis: datetime format, various tick properties (tickInterval for date, etc.), labels, formatter, etc.
  • yAxis: customized title, min/max, tick properties, dataLabel rotation, placement and a custom plotLine object properties
  • PlotOptions: pointStart, pointIntervals, radius, dataLabel fonts, placement, alignment, etc.
  • Series Data: customized line colors
  • HighRoller: enableAutoStep() method for auto-stepping the xAxis labels
  • Native JS Formatters: Tooltip, xAxis labels and yAxis labels


  • PHP 5.3.x
  • Highcharts JS 2.1.6 (which has it's own dependencies, like jQuery or MooTools)


Installation is easy:

  • Clone or download this project to your local machine
  • To use HighRoller, decompress the .zip from within the /releases project folder
  • Drop the entire HighRoller folder created by the .zip into your favorite project or framework
  • Set an include path to the HighRoller folder
  • What the...what are you waiting for? Go!

Roll your own, HighRoller!

Building and testing your own HighRoller release is a snap:

  • Clone or download this project to your local PHP-enabled dev workstation
  • Modify the contents of the /src directory to your needs/liking
  • Build - Execute the script to create your release (i.e. ./ 1.0.1)
  • Create a new vhost in your local web server and set the document root to the /test folder
  • Test - Point your browser to that new vhost and test/verify your changes.
  • Everything look good? Sweet! Install your own HighRoller!

NOTE HighRoller's on-board Test Suite requires a web server running locally with a virtual host setup for this project!

Highcharts JS Licensing

[Highcharts JS] ( is pretty awesome.

Highcharts is licensed for free for any personal or non-profit projects under the [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 License] (

For commercial, corporate or government use a license is required, which can be purchased for as little as $80.

[See the license and pricing details directly on the Highcharts site for more details.] (

About HighRoller

HighRoller is freely available and is released under the Apache License, version 2.0

HighRoller begs you to please wager responsibly.


Object-oriented PHP wrapper for Highcharts JS






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