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Rendering Shapes and Textures with gl2d

Vlod edited this page Nov 23, 2023 · 7 revisions

Because I have many overloads, I will explain what each parameter and each function do.


  • renderRectangle: renders a solid color rectangle or with a texture. The rotation is relevant to the object
  • renderRectangleAbsRotation: the rotation is relative to the screen rather than the object.
  • renderLine: renders a line.
  • renderRectangleOutline: renders a rectangle's outline with lines.
  • renderCircleOutline: renders a circle outline.
  • render9Patch/render9Patch2 used for ui. draws a texture that scales the margins differently so buttons of different sizes can be drawn.


Whenever a method requests a transform as a vec4, it is encoded as X, Y, Width, and Height. Example:

renderer.renderRectangle(glm::vec4{200, 350, 25,25}, Colors_Orange);
//renders an orange rectangle, 200 pixels from the left of the window, and 350 pixels from the top of the window, with a 25 by 25 pixels size.


  • transform: explained above, please read :D
  • texture: texture to be applied to the rectangle. A separate section on those.
  • colors: the color to be applied to the rectangle (with transparency)
  • colors[4]: a gradient to be applied to the rectangle (one color for each corner)
  • origin: the origin when rotating the object
  • rotationDegrees: rotation in degrees :(
  • textureCoords: the texture coords for the textures to be sampled from. Basically, we have a vec4 that describes the bottom left point and the top right point of the texture.



renderer.renderRectangle({100,350, 100, 100}, texture, {1,1,1,1}, {}, t);
renderer.renderRectangleOutline({100,350, 100, 100}, {1,1,1,0.5}, 10, {}, t);
renderer.renderRectangle({150,400, 2, 2}, Colors_Orange, {}, t);

renderer.renderRectangle({200,150, 100, 100}, texture, {1,1,1,1}, {}, t);
renderer.renderRectangleOutline({200,150, 100, 100}, {1,1,1,0.5}, 10, {}, t);
renderer.renderRectangle({-1,-1, 2, 2}, Colors_Orange, {}, t);

renderer.renderCircleOutline({500,200}, Colors_Orange, 100);
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