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Ridesync is a ride-sharing application designed to connect riders and drivers seamlessly. With a focus on convenience and reliability, Ridesync empowers users to efficiently find rides or offer transportation services.

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Ridesync is a ride-sharing application designed to connect riders and drivers seamlessly. With a focus on convenience and reliability, Ridesync empowers users to efficiently find rides or offer transportation services.

Tools & Tech Stacks used : -

Spring Boot React.js Bootstrap MySQL map

Backend (Java SpringBoot)


Dependency Group Description Artifact Version
org.springframework.boot Starter for using Spring Boot's Data JPA spring-boot-starter-data-jpa
org.springframework.boot Starter for Spring Security spring-boot-starter-security
org.springframework.boot Starter for building web, including RESTful, applications spring-boot-starter-web
com.mysql MySQL JDBC driver mysql-connector-j
org.projectlombok Lombok library for reducing boilerplate code lombok
io.jsonwebtoken Java JWT: JSON Web Token for Java jjwt-api 0.11.5
io.jsonwebtoken Implementation of Java JWT jjwt-impl 0.11.5
io.jsonwebtoken Jackson support for Java JWT jjwt-jackson 0.11.5
org.springframework.boot Starter for testing Spring Boot applications spring-boot-starter-test Spring Security testing utilities spring-security-test
org.springframework.boot Starter for Spring Mail spring-boot-starter-mail Google Maps Services SDK for Java google-maps-services 2.2.0
org.springframework.boot Starter for WebSocket support spring-boot-starter-websocket
com.mapbox.mapboxsdk Mapbox SDK Turf mapbox-sdk-turf 5.8.0
junit JUnit testing framework for Java

Frontend (React PWA)


Dependency Description Version
@chakra-ui/icons Chakra UI icons library 2.1.1
@chakra-ui/react Chakra UI React components library 2.8.2
@emotion/react React integration for Emotion CSS 11.11.3
@emotion/styled Styled-components for Emotion CSS 11.11.0
@fontsource/roboto Roboto font packaged for use with Fontsource 5.0.12
@googlemaps/polyline-codec Polyline encoding/decoding library for Google Maps 1.0.28
@hookform/resolvers Resolvers for React Hook Form 3.3.4
@react-google-maps/api Google Maps JavaScript API wrapper for React 2.19.3
@stomp/stompjs STOMP protocol library for WebSocket communication 7.0.0
@testing-library/react React testing utilities 13.4.0
@testing-library/user-event Testing utilities for user interactions 13.5.0
axios Promise-based HTTP client for the browser and Node.js 1.6.7
framer-motion Animation library for React 11.0.5
moment Date manipulation library 2.30.1
react React library 18.2.0
react-dom React DOM library 18.2.0
react-google-places-autocomplete Google Places Autocomplete component for React 4.0.1
react-hook-form Form validation library for React 7.51.0
react-icons Icon library for React 5.0.1
react-router-dom React Router library 6.22.0
react-scripts Scripts and configuration for React applications 5.0.1
sockjs-client WebSocket client library 1.6.1
tailwind-merge Tailwind CSS utility for merging classes 2.2.1
tailwindcss-animate Animation utility for Tailwind CSS 1.0.7
web-vitals Library for tracking web vital metrics 2.1.4
yup JavaScript schema builder for validation 1.3.3


  • start: Starts the development server.
  • build: Builds the production-ready app.
  • test: Runs tests using React testing framework.
  • eject: Ejects the configuration for customization.

Development Dependencies

Dependency Description Version
tailwindcss Utility-first CSS framework for React 3.4.1

Getting Started

External Dependencies

Installation of Dependencies

Before you can build the application, you will need to install the following dependencies on your virtual machine:


To install Java, run the following commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openjdk-17-jdk

To install maven, run the following commands:

sudo apt install maven

Once the command has finished executing, confirm its installation by running:

maven --v

To install Node.js, run the following commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nodejs

Backend (Java Spring Boot)

1. Clone the repository
git clone
2. Navigate to the backend directory.
cd ridesync_backend
3. Build the project.
mvn clean package
4. Test the project.
mvn test
5. Start the backend server.
java -jar target/ridesync-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Frontend (React PWA)

1. Clone the repository
git clone
2. Navigate to the directory.
cd ridesync_frontend
3. Install dependencies.
npm install
4. Build the frontend.
npm run build
5. Start the development server.
npm run start

Open your web browser and go to http://localhost:3000 to access the website.

Ridesync Backend and Frontend CI/CD Pipeline

To build the backend Spring Boot application in your CI/CD pipeline, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Job:

    • Create a new job in your GitLab CI/CD pipeline and define it as a build stage.
  2. Choose Docker Image:

    • Choose an appropriate Docker image to run the job. You can use the maven:latest image to build the Spring Boot application.
  3. Script Execution:

    • In the script section of the job:
      • Navigate to the project directory using the cd command.
      • Use the mvn clean package command to build the application.
  4. Define Dependencies:

    • Define the dependencies of the job, which should include the previous stages of the pipeline (quality, test-backend, etc.).
  5. Define Artifacts:

    • Define the artifacts section to specify which files should be stored as pipeline artifacts. In this case, you want to store the target folder of the Spring Boot project.
  6. Specify Runner Tags:

    • Finally, specify the runner tags that should be used to execute the job. For instance, you can use test-runner.

After the successful execution of the pipeline, you will be able to find ridesync-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar in the following path: /ridesync_backend/target.

Building Frontend Application

To build the frontend application in your CI/CD pipeline, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Job:

    • Create a new job in your GitLab CI/CD pipeline and define it as a build stage.
  2. Choose Docker Image:

    • Choose an appropriate Docker image to run the job. You can use the node:latest image for building Node.js-based applications like React.
  3. Script Execution:

    • In the script section of the job:
      • Navigate to the project directory using the cd command.
      • Use the npm install command to install dependencies.
      • Use the npm run build command to build the application.
  4. Define Dependencies:

    • Define the dependencies of the job, which should include the previous stages of the pipeline (test-frontend, etc.).
  5. Define Artifacts:

    • Define the artifacts section to specify which files should be stored as pipeline artifacts. In this case, you want to store the build folder containing the compiled assets of the frontend application.
  6. Specify Runner Tags:

    • Finally, specify the runner tags that should be used to execute the job. For instance, you can use test-runner.

After the successful execution of the pipeline, you will have the compiled assets of the frontend application ready for deployment.

Backend Deployment Steps

To deploy the backend application, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Backend Folder:

    cd ridesync_backend
  2. Build Docker Container:

    docker build -t backend .
  3. Push Docker Container:

    docker push
  4. Connect to Remote VM using SSH:

  5. Remove Existing Docker Container:

    docker container rm -f my-backend-app
  6. Pull the docker container:

    docker pull
  7. Run Docker Container on VM:

  8. Access Application:

    • Once the Docker container is running successfully, the application will be accessible at port 8073.

These steps will deploy the backend application and make it accessible at port 8073 on the remote VM. Adjust the commands as per your project's configuration and requirements.

Frontend Deployment Steps

To deploy the frontend application, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to ridesync_frontend Folder:

    cd ridesync_frontend
  2. Build Docker Container:

    docker build -t frontend .
  3. Push Docker Container:

    docker push
  4. Connect to Remote VM using SSH:

  5. Remove Existing Docker Container:

    docker container rm -f my-frontend-app
  6. Pull the docker container:

    docker pull
  7. Run Docker Container on VM:

    docker run -d -p 3000:3000 --name my-frontend-app -e REACT_APP_API_URL=$REACT_APP_API_URL
  8. Access Application: Once the Docker container is running successfully, the application will be accessible at port 3000.

Adjust the commands as per your project's configuration as per your requirements.

User Scenarios


Ridesync facilitates a simple and efficient process for both riders and drivers. Key features include:

Driver Perspective


Drivers can register by providing necessary documents (license, vehicle registration).

Posting a Ride:

Drivers can post rides with details such as start location, end location, start time, description, vehicle and fare.

Accepting/Rejecting Rides:

Drivers receive ride requests from riders and can accept or reject them accordingly.

Activity Tracking:

Drivers can view their current, upcoming, and completed rides in the activity section.

Rider Perspective

Finding a Ride:

Riders can search for rides based on proximity to available drivers.

Requesting a Ride:

Riders can request rides from drivers and wait for acceptance.

Tracking Ride Status:

Riders can track the status of their rides, including live location tracking of the driver.

Activity Tracking:

Riders can view their current, upcoming, and completed rides in the activity section.

  • Authentication: User can login, signup and reset password.

    Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 2

  • Driver Registration: Drivers can register by providing necessary documents such as license details and vehicle registration. Screenshot 3 Screenshot 4

  • Posting Ride: Drivers can post available rides specifying start location, end location, start time, and fare. Screenshot 5 Screenshot 6

  • Find Ride: Riders can find ride by entering their start location, end location and start time which returns all the available rides.

  • Ride Request: Riders can search for rides and request rides based on driver's proximity. Screenshot 7

  • Activity Section: The app includes an activity section with three tabs: current, upcoming, and completed rides, providing users with a comprehensive view of their ride history.

  • Upcoming rides

Screenshot 8

  • Current rides

Screenshot 9

  • Past rides

Screenshot 10

  • Get all ride requests: Driver can get all ride requests in the ride info page to accept or reject the ride.

    Screenshot 9

  • Accept ride

Screenshot 10

  • Live Location Tracking: Ridesync features live location tracking, allowing riders to monitor the real-time location of drivers and drivers to track the pickup location of riders. Screenshot 11

  • In-app Notification: The app employs a notification system to keep users informed about accepted or rejected ride requests and other relevant updates. Screenshot 12

  • In-app Messaging: The app employs a notification system to keep users informed about accepted or rejected ride requests and other relevant updates. Screenshot 13

Test Coverage

Coverage Status Coverage Status Coverage Status Coverage Status

Detailed Report

You can view the detailed test coverage report here.


  • Meer Patel
  • Ayushi Malhotra
  • Purushotham Parthy
  • Nithin Bharathi
  • Sivasubramanian Venkatasubramanian


Ridesync is a ride-sharing application designed to connect riders and drivers seamlessly. With a focus on convenience and reliability, Ridesync empowers users to efficiently find rides or offer transportation services.






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