The main example of NLP is in diagnosis/bedview_diagnosis.ipynb
Investigation into medicine patient safety events: patient_safety/
Investigation into diagnoses: diagnosis/
Investigation into helpdesk tickets: helpdesk_tickets/
To update with new results you need access to the Datix SQL server at PHT with ApplicationIntent=ReadOnly; Ask the IT dev team for the server name.
- Download 32-bit Python 3.7 Anaconda from (you'll need permission to get this on a RICH client).
- Download the SNOMED dictionary from (you'll need permission to get this on a RICH client). You'll need to create an account on UMLS.
- On this webpage, click on the green "Clone or download" text button, then the blue "Download ZIP" text button (you'll need permission on a RICH client).
- Once Anaconda is installed, click on the Windows character, search for "jupyter" and click on "Jupyter notebook (Anaconda3)".
- Once the GitHub ZIP has been downloaded, unzip it and move the folder to C://Users/your_username
Once the SNOMED ZIP has downloaded, unzip it and move the file sct2_Description_Snapshot-en_INT_20190731.txt to C://Users/your_username/PortsmouthHospitalTrust
Open the webpage where Jupyter should've opened (e.g. Chrome).
- Click on the .ipynb file you want to update, e.g. PortsmouthHospitalTrust/ --> patient_safety/ --> patient_medicine_events_over_time/ --> hour_of_patient_medicine_safety_events_at_QA.ipynb
- Ask the IT dev team for the server name and database for the file you want to run. The server name starts with L_AAG. For the diagnosis folder you should ask for the old bedview server and database name. For the patient safety folder you should ask for the Datix server and database name.
- Click Cell --> Run All to update results with the latest medicine patients safety events at QA.
- If making a report, change the start date.
- The easiest option is to take screenshots of your new results to show off to your friends!