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Themelio->Ethereum Bridge

This contract acts as a bridge that allows the transfer of Themelio coins to the Ethereum network and back, allowing users to hold and trade Themelio assets as tokens in the wider Ethereum ecosystem and transfer them back to use on the Themelio network whenever they choose, trustlessly. Learn more about Themelio at and discover a world secured by an unchanging trust substrate and robust incentives, not untrustworthy and centralized third-parties.

The bridge's main functionality is Themelio SPV which allows users to submit Themelio stakes, block headers, and transactions for the purpose of creating tokenized versions of Themelio assets which were previously locked up in a corresponding bridge covenant on Themelio (a covenant is the Themelio equivalent of a smart contract, learn more about covenants and get started writing them at

Themelio stakes are verified per epoch (each epoch spans 200,000 blocks), with each epoch's stakes being verified by the previous epoch's stakers using ed25519 signature verification (the base epoch stakes hash is introduced manually in the constructor and its authenticity can be verified very easily by manually checking that it coincides with the stakes hash at its header's height on-chain via Melscan, the Themelio block explorer, at

Incoming Themelio block headers are verified using the stakes hash of a trusted header that is in the same epoch as the incoming header or is in the previous epoch, but only if it is the last header of the previous epoch. After this, the included staker signatures are checked and must account for at least 2/3 of all syms staked during the incoming header's epoch.

Transactions are verified using the transactions hash Merkle root of their respective block headers by including a Merkle proof which is used to prove that the transaction is a member of that header's transactions Merkle tree. Upon successful verification of a compliant transaction, the specified amount of Themelio assets will be minted on the Ethereum network as ERC-1155 tokens and transferred to the address specified in the additional data field of the first output of the Themelio transaction.

To transfer tokenized Themelio assets back to the Themelio network the token holder must burn their tokens on the Ethereum network and use the resultant transaction as a receipt which must be submitted to the bridge covenant on the Themelio network to release the specified assets.

Themelio->Ethereum Bridge contract address:


leafHeights(bytes32 keccakStakesHash) returns (uint256 blockHeight)

This getter function should be used to check if a particular stakes has already been submitted and stored via verifyStakes() so you don't waste gas submitting it again.

  • keccakStakesHash: the keccak256 hash of a stakes tree datablock

verifyStakes(uint256 blockHeight, bytes stakesDatablock, uint256 stakesIndex, bytes stakesProof) returns (bool)

This function is used for hashing a stakes byte array using blake3 and storing it in contract storage for subsequent verification of Themelio headers.

  • blockHeight_: The block height whose stakes hash we are verifying our datablock against.
  • stakesDatablock_: An array of serialized Themelio StakeDocs.
  • stakesIndex_: The index of the datablock withtin the stakes tree.
  • stakesProof_: The Merkle proof for the provided datablock at the specified height.

Returns true if stakesDatablock was successfully verified and stored, reverts otherwise.

headers(uint256 blockHeight) returns (bytes32 transactionsHash, bytes32 stakesHash)

This getter function should be used to check if a header at a particular height has already been submitted so you don't waste gas submitting it again.

  • blockHeight: the block height of the header

verifyHeader(bytes header, bytes32[] signers, bytes32[] signatures) returns (bool success)

Stores header information for a particular block height once the header has been verified through ed25519 signature verification of stakes worth at least 2/3 of total sym staked for that epoch.

The process of header verification can be completed in multiple transactions in the case of particularly computationally intensive verifications which exceed the block gas limit. In this case, progress is saved in an intermediary state until the header has enough votes for verification.

  • header: the bincode serialized Themelio block header in bytes
  • signers: array of 32-byte ed25519 public keys of stakers that have signed header, in bytes32[]
  • signatures: array of 64-byte ed25519 staker signatures of header in the same order as signers, split into 32-byte R and 32-byte s (this means signatures.length == signers.length * 2)

Returns true if the header was successfully verified and stored, reverts otherwise.

verifyTx(bytes transaction, uint256 txIndex, uint256 blockHeight, bytes32[] proof) returns (bool success)

Verifies that transaction was included in the header at blockHeight by running a proof of inclusion using proof and comparing the result with the transactions hash of the header. Once the transaction has been proven to have been included in the block, the value and denomination of the first output of the transaction will be minted and sent to the Ethereum address included in the addition data field of the output.

  • transaction: the bincode serialized Themelio transaction, in bytes
  • txIndex: the transaction's index within the block, as uint256
  • blockHeight: the block height of the header transaction is included in, as uint256
  • proof - an array of the sibling hashes comprising the Merkle proof, as bytes32[]

Returns true if the header was successfully verified and stored, reverts otherwise.

burn(address account, bytes32 txHash, bytes32 themelioRecipient)

Burns tokens owned by account with the value and denom specified by the locked Themelio coin with transaction hash txHash. If successful the burned coin's status will be updated to be themelioRecipient, indicating the coin has been burned and claimed, to allow unlocking on the Themelio network.

  • account: the account owning the tokens to be burned
  • txHash: the transaction hash of the Themelio coin to be released (the coin will always be considered the first output of that transaction)
  • themelioRecipient: the address to release the burned coin to on the Themelio network

burnBatch(address account, bytes32[] txHashes, bytes32 themelioRecipient)

Can burn multiple denominations of account's tokens at a time by using the txHashes array to list the transaction hash of each coin to be burned.

  • account: the account owning the tokens to be burned
  • txHashes: an array of transaction hashes of Themelio coins to be released (the coin will always be considered the first output of that transaction)
  • themelioRecipient: the address to release the burns assets to on the Themelio network


You will need to pull down the library dependencies. Run:

git submodule update --init --recursive

We use the foundry tools for building and testing.

Static builds of the forge and cast tools can be found [here] (

If you would prefer to install them via cargo, run:

$ cargo install --git --bin forge --locked
$ cargo install --git --bin cast --locked

To build, run:

$ forge build


To run all tests, including tests which use FFI to differentially fuzz test Solidity functions against reference implementations in Rust, you will first have to build the Rust project in src/test/differentials by running:

$ cd src/test/differentials && cargo build && cd ../../..

Then to run all tests use:

$ forge test --vvv --ffi

If you only want to run the regular Solidity tests, you can use:

$ forge test --vvv --no-match-test FFI


Themelio bridge contract to Ethereum






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