I am a Mobile Developer at TamayyuzCenter, Android Developer and Flutter Developer, GDG Organizer and Instructor.
I had a lot of Mobile Applications in play store and app store like Tadween, Kafey-Android-IOS, , Nartaqy-Android-IOS, BALL FEUD Dalil-AlShrouq, O2Share, El-Herafyeen, Euro-Club-Rescue-Service تحفيظ جزء عم, Everywhere, Alsaif-Express Burger-Nook Istchrat.
- 🔭 I’m currently working as a ** Mobile Developer | at TamayyuzCenter.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning and Developing Mobile Application with Flutter.
- 💬 Ask me about: Firebase, OOP, Java, XML, Android, Web, Mobile, RESTful APIs, Database, UI, UX, Cloud, Flutter,Version Control, Team Management.
- 📫 How to reach me: catch, and follow me from the footer links below 👇 in addition to follow me here.
- ⚡ Fun fact: i Love 😺 🌍 ❄️ 🍎 🍔 🍤 ⚽️ 🎧 🎬 🎤
✈️ 💻 📱 📸
Some interesting facts about me!
While Coding, Listening Music and developing useful code. ⭐️
Watching Youtube, Reading Books, Action, Comics,Historical Fiction, Romance, History books.
Learning programming and getting knowledge about AI & ML.
Let's connect and chat! Open to anyone on Earth under the Sun and Moon.