This piece of Django code implements a basic warehouse management for crates of Mate and other beverages.
- needs to be reflected in apache configuration
- needs a htpasswd file readable for the webservers user in /etc/schrankverwaltung/.htpasswd
- Format: user:password
- needs a settings.ini in /etc/schrankverwaltung/settings.ini
- Format: [secrets]\nSECRET_KEY: "$secret_key"
- run python syncdb
- open ?/main/
- to create link between overview cupboard and individual cupboard use admin interface
on a linux system with screen installed simply execute the starttestserver script
then go to localhost:8000/main
To visit the overview of the cupboard in a room go to localhost:8000/main/Roomnumber The link between a cupboard and the room it is in must be set manually in the current version (can be done in the admin interface) e.g. localhost:8000/main/E304
To visit the page of a specific locker go to localhost:8000/main/roomnumber.cupboardnumber where cupboardnumber is between 1 and the number of cupboarddoors in that room. e.g. localhost:8000/main/E304.1
To get a admin view over the database go to localhost:8000/admin The user and password are the ones specified when initializing the database.