This repository contains the entire code for our TWC work "Graph Embedding based Wireless Link Scheduling with Few Training Samples", available at
For any reproduce, further research or development, please kindly cite our TWC Journal paper:
M. Lee, G. Yu, and G. Y. Li, "Graph embedding based wireless link scheduling with few training samples," IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 2282-2294, Apr. 2021.
The following versions have been tested. But newer versions should also be fine.
- rdkit : [Q3 2017 Release](, Release_2017_09_2)
- boost : Boost 1.61.0, 1.65.1
Go to "s2v_lib".
Build the c++ backend of s2v_lib and you are all set.
cd s2v_lib
make -j4
Note: We utilize existing open-source code for the structure2vec architecture ( and add the batch nomarlization function in it.
Go to "FPLinQ".
Run "generate_main.m". The output data is saved in "/mat".
Copy the output data into "D2D_qua/mat".
Go to "D2D_qua".
Run the main program.
You can also use the following command.