Fast and stable Bandcamp/Youtube to Telegram audio uploader
and ffmpeg
Also use tmpfs or analogous filesystem for temporary files storage to reduce your HDD/SSD wear and tear
nim c -d:ssl -d:release podcaster.nim
podcaster --help
Configuration file ~/.config/podcaster/bandcamp_music.json
"ytdlp_proxy": "",
"temp_files_dir": "/mnt/tmpfs",
"log_level": "info",
"podcaster": {
"downloader": {
"bitrate": 128,
"thumbnail_scale_size": 200
"uploader": {
"token": "insert your telegram bot token here"
"tasks": [
"chat_id": "-1002233871690",
"url": ""
"chat_id": "-1002160479843",
"url": ""
Configuration file ~/.config/podcaster/youtube_music.json
"ytdlp_proxy": "",
"temp_files_dir": "/mnt/tmpfs",
"log_level": "info",
"podcaster": {
"downloader": {
"bitrate": 192,
"conversion_params": {
"bitrate": 128,
"samplerate": 44100,
"channels": 2
"thumbnail_scale_size": 200
"uploader": {
"token": "insert your telegram bot token here"
"tasks": [
"chat_id": "-1002220980330",
"url": "",
"performer_from_title": true
"chat_id": "-1002184412681",
"url": ""
"chat_id": "-1002226329150",
"url": ""
podcaster bandcamp_music youtube_music
Use start_after_url
task key. It should be album URL for Bandcamp and video URL for Youtube