It'll override the implentation of your favorite libraries!
- React ( still WIP )
- Redux Reducers
- Redux Dispatches
- Redux Thunk
- Moment ( not implented yet )
- reselect
- re-reselect
And will tell you how much performance they take, and you can improve their usage.
For example if you have in reselect a function that takes 1 seconds each time, and gets calculated 5 times instead of once, it'll show you which arguments caused the cache to expire.
Profilers work in samples, they check the stacktrace a few times in a ms, but in between there are lots of things you might miss and won't be able to find with it due to it.
Profilers will usually be less guidy, they won't show you, this cache selector doesn't work well and broken.
Install library
npm i performance-spy
1 - add to webpack.config.js:
alias: {
/* my aliases */
...require("performance-spy").spyWebpackAliases(path.resolve("./node_modules"), [
it'll override redux/reselect with performance-spy libraries
2 - add to your init.js file, before any usage of one of the libraries
Note that step 2 shouldn't be used in production, it'll have performance impact since all the libraries functions will be used through the library.. You can allow it though to a specific user in production for research with some condition.
See example Example
1 - add to jest.config.js
moduleNameMapper: {
// my name mappers...
...spyJesAliases("<rootDir>/node_modules", ["redux-thunk", "re-reselect", "reselect", "redux"])
2 - add to jest setup
3 - to jest beforeEach
beforeEach(() => {
1 - load a page, do some actions
2 - run in f12 console:
3 - you'll get a summary of what had happend
1 - load a page and prepare to do your action
2 - run in f12 console
3 - do your action
4 - run in f12 console
5 - you'll see a summary of this action
If you have a function that you know it's slow, but you don't know which part you can use
const timer = startCustomTimer("measuring a")
// some actions
and then you'll see it as part of getPerfSummary
so you can divide and conquer your slow function until you find which part is slow:
const measureHeavy = startCustomTimer("heavy")
const measureLight = startCustomTimer("light")
const measureSuspect = startCustomTimer("suspicious")
and you'll get the answer which one is the slowing part? the heavy function? the suspicious? the light?
you can also provide data to it, for dynamic measure, to know which id had a slow transaction
const measureIdStuff = startCustomTimer("suspicious"+id)