- golang
- dep
make build
Suatu hari anda terfikir untuk membangun sebuah applikasi fintech yang dapat melakukan transaksi non tunai, sebagai Minimum Viable Productnya anda ingin applikasi ini memiliki feature berikut
Transaksi :
- customer dapat melakukan pendaftaran
- sebagai owner anda dapat mendaftarkan merchant baru yang dapat melakukan transaksi
- customer dapat melakukan pengisian balance (Topup)
- customer dapat melakukan pembayaran kepada merchant" yang telah terdaftar
- customer dapat topup
- customer dapat transaksi ke merchant yang telah terdaftar
Some Spec:
GIVEN I am unregister person
WHEN i register as customer with (name, email, phone)
THEN e-wallet should record it as new customer and return my wallet-id
GIVEN I am owner of Ewallet
WHEN i register new merchant with (name, email)
THEN e-wallet should record it as new merchant and return merchant wallet-id
GIVEN I am customer of Ewallet
WHEN i topup some amount
THEN e-wallet my balance should increased
GIVEN I am customer of Ewallet
WHEN i pay merchant
THEN my balance should decreased, and merchant balance should increased, and i get transactionsID
(entity) user_accounts
- user_id
- name
- email
- phonenumber
- user_type (merchant | customer)
(entity) wallet
- wallet_id
- user_id
- balance
(entity) transaksi
- id
- reference
- date
- description
- type (topup | payment)
- credit wallet
- credited wallet (merchant walletid)
- debited wallet (customer walletid)
- register_customer | register_merchant =
- add new user to user_accounts
- add new wallet to wallet
- topup:
- add new transaksi with type topup
- increase balance from wallet
- payment:
- add new transaksi with type payment
- decrease balance from debited wallet
- incrase balance from credited wallet
-> :register_customer
"name": "",
"email": "",
"phonenumber": ""
-> :register_merchant
"name": "",
"email": ""
-> :topup
"wallet_id": "",
"amount": ""
-> :payment
"wallet_id": "",
"amount": "",
"merchant_id": ""
masi banyak kekurangan dari implementasi code ini, misalnya implementasi repository yang belum ada (hanya mock), kebutuhan untuk wrap logic kedalam database transaction (for consistency) dan non happy path test