A node.js wrapper for the Foursquare API.
$ npm install 4sq
var Foursquare = require('4sq');
var fsq = new Foursquare({
token: 'OAuth2 access_token'
fsq.checkins('self', {limit: 5}, function(error, data) {
if (error) {
throw new Error(error);
Foursquare = require '4sq'
fsq = new Foursquare token: 'OAuth2 access_token'
fsq.checkins 'self', limit: 5, (error, data) ->
throw new Error error if error
console.log data
Grab latest source code and install all dev dependencies
$ npm link
Change your host, client id, client secret in examples/get-access-token.coffee and after that run examples/get-access-token.coffee
$ coffee examples/get-access-token.coffee
user(user_id[, params], callback)
checkins(user_id[, params], callback)
badges(user_id[, params], callback)
By default user_id
set to self
The MIT License, see the included license.md