This repository contain tests (in C and assembly both), benchmarks and the test-benches for the verification of Azadi SoC. It also has an extension to the DV environment from lowRISC (commit hash: 86084b9d3d4ffb569287aa9ee0869048c5b6b78d
) which adds support for the "F" and "D" Standard Extension for Single-Precision and Double-Precision Floating-Point respectively.
Repositories and versions to use:
Azadi SoC after it's first tapeout in MPW-two.
Please stick to version v0.0.0 release (commit hash: c4b32375365bf18e352f6ee6c102ca19785f5f42)
git clone
cd azadi-new
git checkout v0.0.0-c4b32375
Note: Until the changes to the trace port for floating-point signals are merged in merledu/azadi-new, use this fork instead.
Random instruction generator for RISC-V processor verification
(commit hash: 3da32bbf6080d3bf252a7f71c5e3a32ea4924e49
git clone
cd riscv-dv
git checkout 3da32bbf
Make sure the environment variables for the instruction set simulator such as Spike or OVPsim and the RISC-V GNU compiler toolchain are set. In addition to the RISCV_GCC
environment variables, you'll also have to set one more with the directory where you'll be cloning the repos.
mkdir azadi_regresion
export DV_AZADI=/path/to/azadi_regression
For csh or its derivatives:
setenv DV_AZADI /path/to/azadi_regression
All directories need to be created at the root level with the rest of the repos.
git clone
cd azadi-verify
Once inside this directory, you can start the process of cloning the repos mentioned here. Just run:
make setup
and it will clone the random instruction generator in the $DV_AZADI/google_riscv-dv
directory and the Azadi RISC-V SoC in the $DV_AZADI/azadi-new
directory. It will also create a folder regr
in the same directory and run an arithmetic instruction test (without any load/store/branch instructions) with ITERATIONS=1
using the Xcelium simulator by default. This is to make sure that the environment has been correctly setup. The steps can also be performed individually by running:
make env
followed by:
make verify
Currently, our extension of the DV environment enables the random instruction generator for generating the assembly for the floating-point instructions and the coverage options for the Xcelium simulator. To run a test, cd
into your working directory and type:
make -f $DV_AZADI/azadi-verify/Makefile \
> TEST=<testname> \
> ITERATIONS=<count> \
> ISA=<risc-v ISA subset> \
> SEED=<seed> # random, if not provided
# For example to run a regression on the whole
# of the `RV32IMFDC` subset: (with coverage and waveform dump)
make -f $DV_AZADI/azadi-verify ISA=rv32imfdc COV=1 WAVES=1
The coverage reports and the waveforms for each test under all can be found in the rtl_sim
directory and in case of the coverage report can also be merged post-regression to give the aggregated coverage.
The verifcation is being done by using the azadi-verify repo, the status of all the tests can be found Verification Basic Tests Sheet.