This repository contains a collection of Angular 2,3,4 + projects, source codes and snippets for anyone looking to get up and running with Angular and TypeScript fast.
Angular 2 - Quickstart - CLI - An Angular 2 quickstart project based on Angular CLI
Angular 4 - Quickstart - CLI - An Angular 4 quickstart project based on Angular CLI
Angular 2 - Quickstart - JavaEE7 - A JavaEE 7 and Angular 2 quickstart project build with Maven
Angular 2 - Quickstart - PrimeNG - A quickstart project with PrimeNG
Angular 2 - Example - Transform JSObject To Specific Class - Map instances of plain javascript objects to instances of class objects
Angular 4 - Example - Dynamic Form And Validation - A custom Validator for a decorator based validation and a dynamic form builder from an instance of a class.
Angular - Scripts - Some helpfull scripts
Angular - Environment - Collection of useful Angular 2/3/4+ stuff, links, resources, snippets, tools, tips etc.
Please submit all pull requests against the master branch. If your code contains new code, patches or features, you should include relevant unit tests.
Markus Eschenbach
The license is committed to the repository in the project folder as LICENSE.txt
Please see the LICENSE.txt
file for full informations.
Markus Eschenbach