CCAvenue integration for ActiveMerchant.
You need to install the ActiveMerchant gem or rails plugin. More info about ActiveMerchant installation can be found at
Install the gem [recommended]:
> sudo gem install active_merchant_ccavenue
To use the ActiveMerchantCcavenue gem in a Rails application, add the following line in your environment.rb:
config.gem 'active_merchant_ccavenue'
To add ActiveMerchantCcavenue as a plugin in a Rails application, run the following command in your application root:
> ./script/plugin install
Once you have a merchant account with CCAvenue, you need to generate your encryption key. This can be done in their ‘Settings & Options -> Generate Working Key’ page at the time of writing. Note them down and make sure your account is activated.
Then create an initializer, like initializers/payment.rb. Add the following lines:
ActiveMerchant::Billing::Integrations::Ccavenue.setup do |cca| cca.merchant_id = M_blahpache_5678 #your CCAvenue merchant id from the working key generation page cca.work_key = 6abc0ty90e0v7jk9hj #your CCAvenue working key end CCAVENUE_ACCOUNT = 'youraccountname'
If ActiveMerchant’s actionview helpers don’t load automatically, add the line in your initializer:
ActionView::Base.send :include, ActiveMerchant::Billing::Integrations::ActionViewHelper
Once you’ve configured ActiveMerchantCcavenue, you need a checkout action; my view looks like:
<% payment_service_for @order.order_id, CCAVENUE_ACCOUNT, :amount => @order.price, :currency => 'INR', :service => :ccavenue do |service| %> <% service.customer :name =>, :email =>, :phone => %> <% service.redirect :return_url => confirm_order_url(@order) %> <%= submit_tag 'Proceed to payment' %> <% end %>
You also need a return or confirmation action; my action looks like:
@notification = if @notification.payment_id.present? @order = Order.find_by_order_id(@notification.payment_id) if @notification.complete? and @notification.valid? @order.confirm! else @order.reject! end end
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