Projects and resources relating to coding for Voxels
Do you have any favorite articles, repos, cool demos? Please submit them in Issues or a PR!
Contributions are welcome - see the contribution guidelines
- 📄 Research project or paper
- 💻 Code
- 🎨 Tool
- Deformations
- File Loaders
- Foundations
- Mapping
- Physics
- Proceduralism
- Reconstruction
- Rendering
- Sparse Volumes
- Surfacers
- Tools
- Voxelizers
- Wavefront Collapse
- Contribute
- License
- ( 📄 Adaptively Sampled Distance Fields: A General Representation of Shape for Computer Graphics, Sarah F. Frisken, Ronald N. Perry, Alyn P. Rockwood, Thouis R. Jones, TR2000-15 December 2000
- OpenVdb 💻 Dreamworks' hierarchical sparse volume representation and manipulation library
- OctoMap 💻 🎨 An Efficient Probabilistic 3D Mapping Framework Based on Octrees
- EnkiMI 💻 Enki Minecraft file loader
- Aiekick's Magica Voxel file writer
- [] 📄 State of the Art on 3D Reconstruction with RGB-D Cameras
- voxblox 💻 🎨 A volumetric library that stores Truncated Signed Distance Fields in voxels
- tsdf Fusion 💻 Fusing Truncated Signed Distance Files
- VoxSurf 💻 🎨 C++ surface voxelizer; converts STL files to VOX files
- SdfGen 💻 🎨 commandline utility to generate grid-based signed distance fields from triangle meshes
- Voxelizer 💻 Header only voxelizer in C
- Discregid Discretize signed distance fields, includes cubic interpolation
- Haar Tree 💻 Haar Tree
- Voxel Hashing 💻 Voxel Hashing, by Niessner et al, Siggraph Asia 2017
- Voxel Panda Using SceneKit and ModelIO to voxelize a mesh, in Swift
- FileToVox Convert files to MagicaVoxel format
- [] 💻 📄 Deep Voxels has a neural rendering function that uses voxel occupancy for an occlusion estimate.
- [] 💻 📄 Masked Space-Time Hash Encoding for Efficient Dynamic Scene Reconstruction - MSTH represents a dynamic scene as a weighted combination of a 3D hash encoding and a 4D hash encoding.
- [] 💻 Dual Contouring
- [] Dual contouring, includes a SIMD QEF implementation
- [] 💻 Another contouring scheme, includes QEF
- [] 💻 Marching Cubes
- [] 💻 MagicaVoxel to USD with face merging
- VoxModSynth 💻 C++ implementation of wave function collabse for model synthesis
- VolumeDeform 📄 VolumeDeform: Real-time Volumetric Non-rigid Reconstruction
- voxl 💻 A fast renderer using Google's Highway for acceleration
- Fast Ray Box Intersections 💻 📄 A Ray-Box Intersection Algorithm and Efficient Dynamic Voxel Rendering
- Voxel Rendering Techniques 📄 Optimal triangulation & more
- CPU Sparse Voxel Octree 💻 tunabrain's SVO raytracer
- Efficient Sparse Voxel Octrees 💻 📄 Efficient Spare Volume Octrees by Laine and Karras
- Voxlap 💻 Ken Silverman's influential early voxel terrain engine. It's currently not that easy to compile, but it of definite historical interest.
- [] VoxelSpace - old school height map rendering
- [] IsoVoxel - render isometric views of VOX files
- [] 📄 A Fast Voxel Traversal Algorithm for Ray Tracking, by Amanatides and Woo
- Terrain Physics 📄 Voxel Terrain Physics and Collision
- Eric's MagicaVoxel Shaders 💻
- Lachlan's MagicaVoxel Shaders 💻
- Goxel's voxel shape grammar 💻
- patStar's MagicaVoxel Shaders 💻
- MagicaVoxel 🎨 MagicaVoxel Editor and Visualizer
- Goxel 💻 🎨 Open Source 3D voxel editor for Mac, Windows, iOS, and Linux.
- Vengi 💻 🎨 Cross platform voxel engine and tools like voxel editor, converter, and thumbnailer.
- VoxQL 💻 🎨 QuickLook Generator for MagicaVoxel files on Mac.
- [] A collection of everything needed to populate a city
To the extent possible under law, the contributors have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.