This command-line tool helps you clean up a DocFx-based content repo. It can:
- find and delete markdown files that aren't linked from a TOC file
- find and delete orphaned image (.png, .jpg, .gif, .svg) files
- find and delete orphaned "shared" markdown files
- "clean" an .openpublishing.redirection.json file
- find and replace links to redirected files
- replace site-relative links with file-relative links (includes image links)
- find topics that appear more than once in a TOC file
-d, --directory Top-level directory in which to perform clean up (for example, find orphaned markdown files).
--orphaned-topics Use this option to find orphaned topics.
--multiples Use this option to find topics that appear more than once in one or separate files.
--orphaned-images Find orphaned .png, .gif, .svg, or .jpg files.
--orphaned-includes Find orphaned INCLUDE files.
-g, --delete (Default: False) Delete orphaned markdown or .png/.jpg/.gif files.
--clean-redirects Clean redirection JSON file by replacing targets that are themselves redirected.
--replace-redirects Find backlink to redirected files and replace with new target.
--redirects-file Optionally specify a path to a redirect JSON file in a different repo.
--relative-links Replace site-relative links with file-relative links. You must also specify the docset name for the repo.
--docset-name The docset name that corresponds to the root of this repo in a URL, e.g. 'visualstudio' in ' '.
--docset-root The full path to the root directory for the docset, e.g. 'c:\users\gewarren\dotnet-docs\docs'.
-s, --recursive (Default: True) Search directory and all subdirectories for markdown, yaml, image, and include files (depending on chosen function).
--help Display this help screen.
Find orphaned topics recursively (that is, in the specified directory and any subdirectories):
CleanRepo.exe --orphaned-topics -d c:\repos\visualstudio-docs-pr\docs\ide
Find orphaned topics non-recursively (that is, only in the specified directory):
CleanRepo.exe --orphaned-topics -s false -d c:\repos\visualstudio-docs-pr\docs\ide
Find and delete orphaned .png/.gif/.jpg/.svg files (recursive):
CleanRepo.exe --orphaned-images -g -d c:\repos\visualstudio-docs-pr\docs\ide --docset-name visualstudio
Find and delete shared markdown files that are orphaned (recursive):
CleanRepo.exe --orphaned-includes -g -d c:\repos\visualstudio-docs-pr\docs\ide
Clean the .openpublishing.redirection.json file by replacing any redirect URLs with their respective redirect URL, if it exists:
CleanRepo.exe --clean-redirects --docset-name visualstudio --docset-root c:\repos\visualstudio-docs-pr\docs
Find topics with backlinks to redirected topics and replace the links with their target URL:
CleanRepo.exe --replace-redirects -d c:\repos\visualstudio-docs-pr\docs\ide
Some redirect targets are themselves redirected to yet another target. For this reason, it's recommended to run the --clean-redirects option before the --replace-redirects option.
Replace site-relative links to the specified docset with file-relative links, when the file exists (includes image links):
CleanRepo.exe --relative-links --docset-name visualstudio --docset-root c:\repos\visualstudio-docs-pr\docs -d c:\repos\visualstudio-docs-pr\docs\ide
Search recursively for topics that appear more than once in a TOC file:
CleanRepo.exe -m -d c:\repos\visualstudio-docs-pr\docs\ide
- Find orphaned code snippets