This repository contains starter templates for Open Liberty.
cd open-liberty-templates
- gradle-core-template
- This template contains the core files needed for Open Liberty and Gradle to run with an empty file structure.
- maven-core-template
- This template contains the core files needed for Open Liberty and Maven to run with an empty file structure.
- simple-rest-template
- This template contains both Gradle and Maven core files to run a simple greeting REST endpoint.
- Once started, the endpoint can be reached at http://localhost:9080/app/resource/greeting
mvn liberty:dev
gradle libertyDev
docker build -t gradle-core-template:1.0-SNAPSHOT ./gradle-core-template
docker run -d --name gradle-core-template -p 9080:9080 gradle-core-template:1.0-SNAPSHOT
docker build -t maven-core-template:1.0-SNAPSHOT ./maven-core-template
docker run -d --name maven-core-template -p 9080:9080 maven-core-template:1.0-SNAPSHOT
simple-rest-template (maven)
docker build -t simple-rest-template:1.0-SNAPSHOT ./simple-rest-template
docker run -d --name simple-rest-template -p 9080:9080 simple-rest-template:1.0-SNAPSHOT
simple-rest-template (gradle)
docker build -f ./simple-rest-template/Dockerfile-gradle -t simple-rest-template:1.0-SNAPSHOT ./simple-rest-template
docker run -d --name simple-rest-template -p 9080:9080 simple-rest-template:1.0-SNAPSHOT