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Pascal Christoph edited this page Aug 30, 2024 · 34 revisions

⚠️ NOTE: This documentation is deprecated. Only the parts for Morph are still current. For the new documentation see:

For the updated FLUX user guide see:

This document provides a quick introduction to Metafacture Flux, a domain specific language to build data flows for metadata processing. The Flux makes use of Metafacture as a stand-alone application - so you build workflows without the need of writing java code.

Installing Flux

Either use a prebuild distribution by unziping Metafacture (distributions can be downloaded here:

Or check out the repo to build a certain branch and roll your own local distribution like this:

$ cd metafacture-core; ./gradlew installDist

Running Flux

There are 3 ways to run a flux:

  1. If you are working with the source code directly, execute the class
  2. If you are working with a distribution of Metafacture, execute the script or flux.bat in the bin/ folder.
  3. If you have installed a distribution of your branch (see above), go to metafacture-core/metafacture-runner/build/install/metafacture-core and execute the flux.* there.

Run a Flux-File

Just provide the flux file you wish to run as first argument.

$> FILE.flux

Provide Arguments

To provide arguments add variable assignments after the first argument as follows:

$> FILE.flux var1=value1 var2=value2

This sets the variable var1 to the value 'value1' and var2 to the value 'value2'.

Writing Flux files

The following snippet shows a simple flux file:

//declare variables
default file = FLUX_DIR + "10.marc21";

//declare flow
morph(FLUX_DIR + "morph-marc21.xml")|

In the first section variables are declared, in the second, we define the flow. Linebreaks are optional. Semicolons ; mark the end of a variable assignment or flow definition.

List of available FLUX commands.


Variables are always Strings and can be concatenated with the + operator. Escape sequences follow the Java String conventions: \n=line break, \t=tab, \\=, \u0024=unicode character, etc.

The default keyword tells Flux to assign the respective value only if the variable has not yet been set on the command line. Without default, previous assignments will be overwritten.

Paths are always relative to the directory within which the flux command is executed. To address files relative to the location of the executed flux file, use the predefined FLUX_DIR variable.


Flux supports single line C/Java-style comments: //comment.

Flow Definitions

The syntax for defining flows takes its cues from bash pipes. Commands are concatenated with the pipe character |.

Some commands take a constructor argument. It is provided within brackets: command("arg"). Furthermore, some commands have named options. These are set as follows command(optionname="arg1",annotheroption="arg2") or with constructor argument: command("arg",option="arg2"). To learn about the available options of a command, execute Flux without arguments: It will list all available commands, including options.

To some commands, the entire environment can be given as argument. This is done with the * character: morph("morphdef.xml", *). In this case Metamorph gains access to all variable assignments made in Flux. (See also Metamorph-User-Guide#parameters-to-metamorph-definitions).

Note that unlike shell pipes, the data flowing between Flux commands is typed. This means that only commands with matching signatures can be combined. To lookup the signatures, execute Flux without arguments. It will list all available commands, including signatures.

Getting Help and Inspiration

  1. If executed without arguments, Flux will display a short help text along with a list of all registered commands. This is the list of FLUX commands mentioned already above.
  2. There are several example flux files along with sample data in the folder examples/:

Adding new Commands

Add your class and a descriptive flux shortcut to This file acts as a lookup table for flux commands. Use the proper file, i.e. the one residing in the same module where your newly created class resides. If you have e.g. created a class in the module metafacture-biblio, you add the flux-command to Recompile. That's all to add a command.

However it's good practice to also add some annotations to the java class so that IDEs (and also humans) can pickup some hints what the new command can do, what type of input is allowed and what type of output is computed. Thus you know what commands can be chained together in a pipe. There are 4 annotations, see this example:

@Description("A MAB XML reader")

If you add a command it would be nice if you also add a flux example to the module metafacture-runner so that users can easily see how it's used, see e.g.

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