Miscellaneous data and other helpful resources for the OCM community.
The list of current meta traits can be found in the following files in different formats
Raw svg files are found in svgs
To access png files generated from the svgs, use the URL:
replacing XXX with the OCM# from 1 to 10000.
For example, to get the png for OCM# 808, go to https://d3q7x2s6555pey.cloudfront.net/png/808.png
Please check the smart contract on the blockchain for the authentic data. A good tool to use verifying is: https://etherscan.io/address/0x960b7a6bcd451c9968473f7bbfd9be826efd549a#readContract
See getAttributesExample.png for an example of how tokenId 1 is queried to get the first row of OCM.csv for the attribute values of OCM#0001