sigrok-compatible pwm (servo/esc) and SBus signal analyzer
Decoder for pulse-width modulation and FrSky SBus signal used in ESC/servo controllers. Usage steps:
- Connect sigrok-compatible logic analyzer (e.g. saleae logic, usbee ax or clones) to your rc-receiver or flight controller outputs.
- Power on transmitter/receiver/flightcontroller
- run
sigrok-cli -d fx2lafw --config samplerate=20k --continuous -p 0,1,2,3,4,5 -o /dev/stdout -O binary | ./pwm -s 20
- run with SBus receivers on probes 0 and 1:
sigrok-cli -d fx2lafw --config samplerate=2m --continuous -p 0,1 -o /dev/stdout -O binary | ./pwm -s 2000 -b