This document is available in its rendered forms here:
This Internet-Draft is written in
using the Metanorma framework, via the
For a blank slate start of your Internet-Draft written in AsciiRFC:
Clone this repository
Copy out all the files (including the dot-files)
You will need to install Metanorma, xml2rfc
and idnits
(for submission preflight).
Please see for installation instructions.
brew install idnits
brew install python
easy_install pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
gem install bundler
bundle install
idnits is the RFC checking tool prior to submissions.
The make
target finds exactly the document name from the :name:
document attribute and puts the file in the right place before calling
to prevent it complaining about the location.
export ID_NAME=asciirfc-minimal
make draft-${ID_NAME}.nits
export ID_NAME=asciirfc-minimal
pcregrep --color='auto' -n "[\x80-\xFF]" draft-${ID_NAME}.xml