The most simplest, safe, and fully automatic git plugin for versioning workflow of real-world xcode projects. Current working or draft content(unstaged, untracked or uncommitted files) is safe from conflict or loss.
$ git clone && cd git-xcp && sudo make install
git xcp <command> [option]
beta <project target> [option]
submit <project target>
archive <project target>
new <project target> <version>
Push to branch 'release-beta' with automatically increment build number, and create tag.(MyApp/beta/b{CFBundleVersion})
$ git xcp beta MyApp
Performs with same build number
$ git xcp beta MyApp --same-build
Remove already created tags, add a reverse commit.
$ git xcp beta MyApp --revert
Create a tag '{scheme}/submit/{CFBundleShortVersionString}_b{CFBundleVersion}' from the lastest version(HEAD) automatically to manage for additional changes, And deploy as a "release-submit" branch. Maybe you should run this script after succesfully submitted to AppStore review team.
$ git xcp submit MyApp
Squash merge, and push version of release onto 'master' branch via commit '[Release - MyApp - 1.0]', and creates a tag 'MyApp/1.0'"
$ git xcp archive MyApp
If your app succesfully released AppStore, Let's start with new CFBundleShortVersionString.
$ git xcp new MyApp 1.1 (from 1.0)
Also, You can add your new subcommand. 'Makexcp' will automatically wrap general git tasks up. Let's create a source file to following path.
touch ./src/xcp-mycmd
edit 'xcp-mycmd'
# add your scripts here
And then,
$ ./Makexcp mycmd
It creates
And, you can contain it into git-xcp command. Open 'Makefile', and add following lines.
./Makexcp beta
./Makexcp submit
./Makexcp archive
./Makexcp new
./Makexcp mycmd <- your command was added.
Finally, Install them.
$ make install