This repository contains the base functionality of sveltekit-i18n and provides support for external message parsers.
✅ SvelteKit ready
✅ SSR support
✅ Custom parsers – you can use any message syntax you need
✅ Custom data sources – no matter if you are using local files or remote API to get your translations
✅ Module-based – your translations are loaded for visited pages only (and only once!)
✅ Component-scoped translations – you can create multiple instances with custom definitions
✅ TS support
✅ No external dependencies
Setup translations.js
in your lib folder...
import i18n from '@sveltekit-i18n/base';
// use your preferred parser (or create your own)
import parser from '@sveltekit-i18n/parser-default';
// import parser from '@sveltekit-i18n/parser-icu';
/** @type {import('@sveltekit-i18n/parser-default').Config} */
const config = ({
parser: parser({/* Parser options */}),
loaders: [
locale: 'en',
key: 'common',
loader: async () => (
await import('./en/common.json')
locale: 'en',
key: 'home',
routes: ['/'], // you can use regexes as well!
loader: async () => (
await import('./en/home.json')
locale: 'en',
key: 'about',
routes: ['/about'],
loader: async () => (
await import('./en/about.json')
locale: 'cs',
key: 'common',
loader: async () => (
await import('./cs/common.json')
locale: 'cs',
key: 'home',
routes: ['/'],
loader: async () => (
await import('./cs/home.json')
locale: 'cs',
key: 'about',
routes: ['/about'],
loader: async () => (
await import('./cs/about.json')
export const { t, locale, locales, loading, loadTranslations } = new i18n(config);
...load your translations in __layout.svelte
<script context="module">
import { locale, loadTranslations } from '$lib/translations';
export const load = async ({ url }) => {
const { pathname } = url;
const defaultLocale = 'en'; // get from cookie, user session, ...
const initLocale = locale.get() || defaultLocale; // set default if no locale already set
await loadTranslations(initLocale, pathname); // keep this just before the `return`
return {};
...and include your translations within pages and components.
import { t } from '$lib/translations';
const pageName = 'This page is Home page!';
<h2>{$t('', { pageName })}</h2>
If you are facing some issues related to the base functionality, create a ticket here.