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Jobs To Do

Paul Cullen Rowe edited this page Mar 11, 2019 · 8 revisions

This page will be a running list of all to-dos to make the jobs-to-be-done transparent to the whole team.


  • Set up Github Project Tracker for January - done
  • Decide on Feature Set
  • Discuss feature set with design team
  • Create low fidelity designs
  • Prioritize feature development based on dependencies / necessary order of completion
  • Plan Phases of Production
  • Review Phases of Production with team, especially addressing technical requirements
  • Assign ownership for tasks within each Phase of Production
  • Set up deployment environments for front end
  • Create typescript loader in webpack config


  • Set up Github Project for February
  • Set up deployment environments for back end
  • Figure out how to deploy to (probably talk to Mark Flowers)


  • Finish out Low-Fidelity Designs
  • Create Low-Fi Header Component
  • Create Low-Fi Tabs Component
  • Create Map (Placeholder) Component
  • Create Venue List (Placeholder) Component
  • Assemble components into appropriate layout
  • Create shared SCSS vars for DSW color palette
  • Begin Higher fidelity designs
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