Exports collected metrics to Google Big Query Can be hooked up very easily to a metricsPli instance.
You can debug logs via DEBUG=mpli:bqexport
The bigquery config fields accepts all parameters that you can pass to
import MetricsPli, { ConfigInterface, TestInterface } from "@metrics-pli/core";
import Exporter from "@metrics-pli/exporter-bigquery";
const keyFilename = "/Users/jondoe/Documents/jons-plat-123.json";
const exporterConfig = {
bigquery: {
projectId: "123123123",
dataset: "my_metrics_dataset",
table: "my_metrics_table",
batchSize: 75,
batchTimeout: 60 * 1000,
const tests: TestInterface[] = [{
name: "Homepage",
url: "https://google.com/",
const config: ConfigInterface = {};
(async () => {
const metricsPli = new MetricsPli(tests, config);
const bqExporter = new Exporter(exporterConfig);
await bqExporter.init();
// will also emit exporter error events
metricsPli.on("error", console.error);
metricsPli.on("info", console.info);
await metricsPli.run();
await bqExporter.close();