High throughput sequencing offers the opportunity to investigate the entire ncRNAome in an essentially unbiased way. Here we present a web service called 'DARIO' that helps researchers to study short read sequencing libraries in a platform independent way and predict new ncRNAs. Small noncoding RNAs, including microRNAs, snoRNAs and tRNAs, represent a diverse collection of molecules with several important biological functions. Exploring small RNA biology or characterizing differential expression profiles by sequencing and comparing small RNA transcriptomes is also an exciting possibility to get more and deeper information about the world of non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs).
Please find a description of DARIOs features as well as usage instructons at the dedicated help page http://dario.bioinf.uni-leipzig.de/help
DARIO can be accessed on http://dario.bioinf.uni-leipzig.de/
Worker / Data Analysis: Perl, Python, R, Bash, WEKA
Web-Server: Python, Flask, Mako
DARIO is designed to run on two computers:
- WEBSERVER serves the web pages, receives the jobs/data and sends them to the WORKER.
- WORKER processes the jobs, i.e. runs sophisticated bioinformatic data analysis, and then copies the results back to the WEBSERVER.
The interaction of WEBSERVER and WORKER:
- WEBSERVER/Apache provides start page dario.bioinf.uni-leipzig
- User sets analysis parameters, server received input (incl. files) via POST
- WEBSERVER: Uploaded files are stored in a new directory $WEBSERVER_JOBS_PATH/$JOB_HASH and store $JOB_HASH in a file $NEW_PROCESS_FILENAME.
- WEBSERVER: a running daemon process (daemon_webserver.py) copies this directory via ssh to WORKER and adds $JOB_HASH to the job queue stored in a file $JOB_QUEUE_FILENAME there (via ssh "echo")
- WORKER: a running daemon process (daemon_worker.py) processes jobs $JOB_QUEUE_FILENAME threaded
- WORKER: On completion, the result is moved via ssh to $WEBSERVER_RESULTS_PATH
- WEBSERVER: the user watches /wait/$JOB_HASH until directory $WEBSERVER_RESULTS_PATH/$JOB_HASH exists, then is forwarded to the results
- WEBSERVER: results are deleted after a while using a cronjob
All essential configuration items / paths are in config.py.
All web endpoints on the server (e.g. dario.*.de/help) are routed / processed by dario_app.py.
The following packages are required:
Python3 packages:
pip3 install Flask mako
Linux tools cron, ssh, ...
Required steps:
- Clone this repository
- Edit config.py and enter the correct paths for WEBSERVER variables as WEBSERVER_SOURCE_PATH. Make sure all paths defined there exist and are writiable by the user (and/or the web user).
- Setup SSH access without passphrase from WEBSERVER to WORKER, and back
- Setup webserver with WSGI and point the WSGI app to dario_app (Example for mod_wsgi)
- Start the daemon, the easiest way is to run
python3 daemon_webserver.py
in a screen session
The following packages are required:
Java and WEKA4
Python3 packages:
pip3 install mako
R (Recommendation: setup local R Library directory:
mkdir ~/R_Libs
and add it to ~/.Renviron :R_LIBS="~/R_Libs"
) -
R packages:
install.packages(c("ggplot2")) # >= 2.9.8 install.packages("maptools") install.packages("calibrate") source("http://www.bioconductor.org/biocLite.R") biocLite("genomeIntervals") install.packages(c("RColorBrewer", "plyr", "reshape", "sp"))
You can test whether the tools are properly setup by running a
standalone data analysis (see below).
Required steps:
- Clone this repository
- Edit config.py and enter the correct paths for WORKER variables as WORKER_SOURCE_PATH. Make sure all paths defined there exist and are writiable by the user (and/or the web user).
- Start the daemon, the easiest way is to run
python3 daemon_worker.py
in a screen session
If you just want to run the analysis, without the webserver, only the steps from the WORKER are needed, without starting the daemon. However, this analysis also requires the input be in a specific folder and in a specific format. Essentially, you need a folder with two files, "job_params.txt" and "mapping_loci.upload". An example is provided in the repository.
via python3 analysis.py -i JOB_PATH
The project is on low-maintenance mode: the web service is running, but no additions / improvements are made. Please feel free to use and adapt this code to analyse your own species. Unfortunately, no support can be provided.
- Mario Fasold (focus on python & R & bash code)
- David Langenberger (focus on perl code)
- Felix Gärtner & Alex Donath for the Mito Webserver, where our webdesign & architecture is based on
- Steve Hoffman & Peter F. Stadler