These rb files were created to capture statistics for use during sprint reviews and to collect information for creating changelogs for individual repositories. prs_per_repo.rb and closed_issues.rb generate csv files with the output.
- On the github UI, go to your settings page, select "Personal access tokens", Generate a new token, give it a name, no scopes are required, save, copy the token id
- Clone the repo
- Edit closed_issues.rb or prs_per_repo.rb, paste your token ID & change the milestone ID if necessary
bundle install
(If you're only interested in the prs_per_repo on a couple repos, you can add an additional section in the config.yaml for included_repos and change the repos_to_track
method inside of merged_prs_per_sprint.rb to only use those repos.)
$ bundle exec ruby closed_issues.rb
Milestone Statistics for: Sprint 42 Ending June 20, 2016
12345,bdunne,chessbyte,providers/ansible_tower refactoring ui
$ bundle exec ruby prs_per_repo.rb
Collecting pull_requests for: ManageIQ/manageiq-automation_engine
Closed/Unmerged: ["", "", ""]
Closed/Merged: [""]
Closed/Merged Labels: {"bug"=>1, "euwe/backported"=>1, "fine/backported"=>1}
Collecting pull_requests for: ManageIQ/manageiq-content
ERROR: is missing a Milestone!!!
Closed/Unmerged: []
Closed/Merged: ["", "", "", "", "", ""]
Closed/Merged Labels: {"enhancement"=>2, "fine/backported"=>3, "bug"=>2, "test"=>1, "documentation"=>1, "services"=>1, "euwe/backported"=>1}
Collecting pull_requests for: ManageIQ/manageiq-design
Closed/Unmerged: []
Closed/Merged: []
Closed/Merged Labels: {}
$ cat prs_per_repo.csv
Pull Requests from: 2017-08-08 00:00:00 UTC to: 2017-08-22 00:00:00 UTC. repo,#opened,#merged,closed_bug,closed_enhancement,closed_developer,closed_documentation,closed_performance,closed_refactoring,closed_technical debt,closed_test,#remaining_open