is a new starter storefront for Solidus.
This project aims to deliver a modern, minimal, semantic, and easy to extend codebase for a more efficient bootstrapping experience.
DISCLAIMER: some Solidus extensions (the ones that depend on Solidus Frontend) will not work with this project because they rely on defacing some views items that don't exist here.
We aim to deliver:
- a minimal, semantic and accessible HTML skeleton
- a reusable component based architecture
- simple SASS styling strictly based on BEM
- the elimination of jQuery as a dependency by rewriting frontend functionality in vanilla JavaScript
All of this while keeping and improving on the functionality of the current Solidus frontend subcomponent.
By default, the solidus
gem also includes the standard frontend via the
gem. To make this gem work, you need to exclude
gem and manually include the rest of the Solidus
Just run:
rails new store --skip-javascript
cd store
bundle add solidus_core solidus_backend solidus_api solidus_sample
bin/rails generate solidus:install --auto-accept
Please note that --auto-accept
will add [Solidus Auth Devise]
( to your application. At the
moment, SolidusStarterFrontend requires the application to include the gem. In
the future, we'll make Solidus Auth Devise optional.
In your Gemfile
gem 'solidus'
gem 'solidus_core'
gem 'solidus_api'
gem 'solidus_backend'
gem 'solidus_sample'
And replace all the references of the string Spree::Frontend::Config
in your
project with SolidusStarterFrontend::Config
You'll also need to make sure that [Solidus Auth Devise] ( is installed in your application.
You can copy the starter frontend files to your project:
$ gem install solidus_starter_frontend
$ solidus_starter_frontend
These commands will install the gem globally and copy this project's views, assets, routes and controllers to your project. You can change easily anything that we created; this gives you a lot of freedom of customization.
In addition, please note that the command will add Solidus Auth Devise frontend components to your app. At the moment, you will need to manually remove the gem and its frontend components if you don't need them.
Finally, please note that you won't be able to auto-update the storefront code with the next versions released since this project's gem will not be present in your Gemfile.
For information about contributing to this project please refer to this document. There you'll find information on tasks like:
- Testing the extension
- Running the sandbox
- Updating the changelog
- Releasing new versions
- Docker development
is funded and maintained by the Nebulab
We firmly believe in the power of open-source. Contact us if you like our work and you need help with your project design or development.
Copyright (c) 2020 Nebulab SRLs, released under the New BSD License.