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matu3ba edited this page Jul 25, 2021 · 1 revision


  • Is the according adapter and nvim-dap installed (whereis ADAPTER)?
  • Are adapter and nvim-dap configured?
  • Check the output of file BINARY_NAME for debug symbols
  • Does the sign on the left side show a R for DapBreakpointRejected?
    • If yes: Symbols may be resolved at compilation time (ie C macros). Use the according compiler to debug those.
    • If yes: Otherwise your binary must load in future as shared library or this behavior is wrong.
  • Can you make nvim-dap pause execution with a breakpoint?
    • Try the main or _start method or the according entry point of your program or language.
  • Could your code use undefined behavior?
    • Try to use breakpoints or logging instructions at or near function beginnings.