Gradle multi-module project for experiments with Java
- Open sourcing a library: how hard can that be? by Johan Hutting
- The Secret Life of Maven Central by Jamie Coleman
- Garbage Collection Tuning Guide
- Common misunderstanding of Metaspace and its sin on killing containers
- Mastering GC: tame the beast and make it your best ally
- Secrets of Performance Tuning Java
- Java Performance Puzzlers
- Владимир Ситников — Разбор сложных случаев OutOfMemoryError
- Владимир Плизга — Путеводитель по анализу памяти JVM-приложений
- Владимир Ситников — Анализ дампов памяти Java-приложений
- Memory footprint of a Java process by Andrei Pangin
- What is Metaspace?
- What is Compressed Class Space?
- How does the default hashCode() work?
- JVM TI how to make a "plugin" for a virtual machine by Andrei Pangin
- Where do hashCode's legs grow from by Andrei Pangin
- Understanding the Java Class Loader Starting from Java 9 [eng]
- How does the Java ClassLoader system actually work? [rus]
- Java, Code Coverage & Their Best Friend: Bytecode by Evgeny Mandrikov
- Evgeny Mandrikov, Marc Hoffmann — Java Code Coverage mechanics
- Boot yourself, Spring is coming by Evgeny Borisov
- Spring Boot the Ripper by Evgeny Borisov
- The Curse of Spring Test by Evgeny Borisov
- Introduction to the Dependency Mechanism
- A Guide to Maven Artifact Classifiers
- What I Wish I Knew About Maven Years Ago
- Кирилл Толкачёв — Релиз менеджмент с помощью Gradle
- Иван Осипов — Kotlin DSL: теория и практика
- Александр Белов — Gradle DSL изнутри
- Migrating a production database without any downtime
- Optimizing Postgres for write heavy workloads ft. Checkpoint and WAL configs
- Tuning PostgreSQL for High Write Workloads
- Performance oriented Spring Data JPA & Hibernate by Maciej Walkowiak
- PostgreSQL by Vladimir Borodin
- The internal structure of PostgreSQL for practicing engineers
- Indexes in PostgreSQL. How to understand what to create
- Expensive DELETE by Nikolay Samokhvalov
- Changing the schema of PostgreSQL tables without long locks
- Дмитрий Фатов — Разгоняем вставку больших объемов данных Spring + PostgreSQL
- Сергей Синдеев, Группа «Рексофт» — Hibernate, OOM и ооочень длинные запросы
- Владимир Ситников — B-Tree индексы в базах данных на примере Spring Boot-приложений, PostgreSQL, JPA
- Михаил Жилин — Как PostgreSQL может сделать больно, когда не ожидаешь?
- You (probably) need liveness and readiness probes
- Liveness probes are dangerous
- Liveness and Readiness Probes
- Building Spring Boot based modular libraries for 120 teams our findings
- Delving Into Spring Boot Netflix: Netflix's Application Framework
- The Magic of Platforms
- IntelliJ IDEA Tips & Tricks by Anton Arhipov
- Debugging applications with IntelliJ IDEA by Anton Arhipov