Created during #douhack 2013 in Donetsk.
See demo for tracking pedestrians directly from webcamera video stream here:
Application is created with OpenCV library (for Java) and Processing framework.
It contains a lot of hacks and there is much to improve.
Next things author wants to check:
- Use and improve camshift algorithm for object tracking.
- Remove noise with checking speed of moved objects.
- Play with different tracking algorithms (including BackgroundSubtractorMOG2 which is ported to OpenCV 3)
- Play with "segmentMotion" and "calcGlobalOrientation" to identify moved pieces more carefully.
Please, contact myself at on Twitter: @MaximGalushka if you are interested in this project and want to learn OpenCV and object recognition techniquest with me.
Big thanks to #douhack and Binary studio in Donetsk for hosting this event!